
Ruaha National Park

The name of the park is derived from the Great Ruaha River, which flows along its southeastern margin and is the focus for game-viewing.


The park can be reached by car on a dirt road from Iringa and there are two airstrips – Msembe airstrip at Msembe (park headquarters), and Jongomeru Airstrip.

This is the place where visitors can see both Lesser and Greater Kudu because it is the southernmost limit for Lesser Kudu in African continent.


It is also possible to see, Sable and Roan antelope, Lichtenstein’s Hartebeest, Topi, both Southern and Bohor reedbuck and it is the southernmost limit of Grants Gazelle.

In addition to this, Ruaha boasts a healthy population of Wild Dogs, Leopard, Lions, Cheetah, Buffalo, and Elephant, not to mention all the other species, of which there are plenty


Available activities include day and night game drive, walking safari, cultural tourism, bush meal, bird watching, star gazing, balloon safari and picnicking.